Evolution Traffic Management has a substantial team committed to Traffic Management Plan Design.
The Evolution TMP Team is highly experienced in drawing TMPs; ranging from small vehicle crossings to large-scale projects, film, and city events.
The team uses both AutoCAD & Rapid Plan software to design TMPs, and with the aid of satellite images from a range of sources are able to design plans that best incorporate your requirements but also minimize any potential hazards on site.
Our TMP designers are hand-picked Level 2/3 Practising STMS’. This gives you the best of both worlds. Designers who have hands-on experience installing temporary traffic management and understand both the theoretical and practical implementation of a TMP.
All our designers have attended the NZTA Advanced Traffic Management Planner’s workshop – enabling them to meet the requirements of any Road Controlling Authority (RCA).
Our TMP designers work together with the planning and delivery teams to ensure we correctly assess what you need on the day and keep in contact with the delivery STMS’ on-site for frequent improvement.
The TMP Application Process
What is a Traffic Management Plan?
A Traffic Management Plan (TMP) is a site-specific plan that covers the design, implementation, maintenance and removal of temporary traffic management (TTM) measures while work or an activity is carried out in the road corridor (road, footpath or berm).
The plan details how road users (including cyclists and pedestrians) -will be directed around a worksite, accident, or other temporary road disruption, to minimise inconvenience while providing safe conditions for both the road user and those carrying out the activity.
TMP Documentation
The TMP Documentation details the specifics of the work being done, such as the location, date/times of works, who is doing the work, the work methodology, traffic impact, temporary speed limit information (as needed) and contact details.
Traffic Management Diagram (TMD)
The TMD is a drawing that details the physical layout of temporary traffic management equipment around the worksite. A TMD may be a generic form applicable to all roads of a certain level but must still be approved for use with the TMP.
For non-repetitive, invasive, and long-term worksites a site-specific TMD is required.